NHL Maple Leafs’ player Morgan Rielly For Sportsnet
I photographed many NHL games in the past for the wires. With some sports like hockey it becomes a bit formulaic. You photograph from a high spot (we called it the God position) for one period. Photos from right up against the glass, best facing down the ice so the players skated right towards you. We called this the suicide hole because off-target slap-shots would sometimes find their way through the hole and into a lens. Which is why I always enjoyed the rare assignment to follow a player and take their portrait.
Morgan Rielly was a good sport. He met me down near the beach for our first photo session.
Of course there was a lot of hurry up and wait involved. There were several phone calls and emails with photo editors, writers, his agent and then finally with him. Times were moved around. Locations were moved. He had a hectic schedule and was planning to fly back to training camp soon so we were lucky that he made some time for us.
Morgan Rielly carries his gear for a skate at my local ice rink. Lucky me. A short drive.
Several players had arranged for a skate and coaching session together. Who knew there were so many NHL players hanging out in Vancouver.